• Smart Contract
  • Solidity Frameworks and Tools

Solidity Frameworks and Tools

Apart from writing solidity, you need a framework (with tools integrated) to help you test the code, deploy in the simulated / blockchain environment, or write some script do some block-ops.


This one should be the easiest to get started cuz everything is in the browser. Supports ethers.js and web3.js. Suitable for those who don't want to use cli.

And you can connect Remix with local filesystem, so that you could write the code in the editor and do the testing in UI.

I usually choose it when I want to use Metamask to deploy the contract (which other frameworks can't do really).


The framework to use back in the OG days.

I think what's special about it is that you need to write migration contract and it provides a console that you could interactively write Javascript commands.

It contains the ganache tools which can simulate a EVM and even support forking from existing blockchain.


This is almost the default choice to smart contract development right now.

I think why people like hardhat so much is because they provide a console.log that you can debug directly in the Solidity Code.

Plus, you could integrate it with both ethers.js and web3.js to deploy the contract. I prefer hardhat deploy as it produce replicable deployments.

It also provides a hardhat local network.


Usually I use hardhat to test, I couldn't take it because it's kinda slow.

But Foundry came to combat that with a super fast testing toolkit.

And it's most attractive feature is to allow testing in Solidity, so that you can write tests with efficiency. That really turns boring chores into something pleasurable.

Last updated on November 15, 2022